New Delhi: Audio series platform Pocket FM is embarking on a groundbreaking initiative to create its sonic tune in collaboration with renowned Bollywood music director Sneha Khanwalkar and her platform SoundCake. This unique campaign invites creators and listeners worldwide to participate in shaping the company’s sonic identity.
SoundCake, a vibrant community boasting over 15,000 creators, including musicians, singers, and lyricists, will be a key contributor to this project. Creators are encouraged to submit their original compositions, with Sneha Khanwalkar personally curating the top three entries. These shortlisted tunes will then be presented to Pocket FM’s massive audience of over 200 million listeners globally.
Listeners, along with Pocket FM employees, will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite tune through social media channels and the Pocket FM app. The winning composition will be professionally produced by Khanwalkar in partnership with the selected creator, resulting in a truly unique and authentic sonic identity that reflects the voice of the community.
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“At Pocket FM, our community is at the heart of everything we do,” said Vineet Singh, VP – Brand and Communications at Pocket FM. “This crowdsourcing initiative empowers both creators and listeners to actively shape our sonic identity. By partnering with SoundCake and the talented Sneha Khanwalkar, we are combining expertise with passion to create something truly special.”
Sneha Khanwalkar, Founder of SoundCake, expressed her enthusiasm for the project, stating, “Music has the power to connect people on a profound level. This collaboration with Pocket FM and SoundCake takes that connection to a new dimension by allowing the audience to co-create the sound that represents them. The incredible talent within the SoundCake community, combined with Pocket FM’s listener-centric approach, makes this a truly exciting endeavor.”
This innovative campaign sets a new precedent for sonic branding, emphasizing community involvement and shared ownership. By embracing the creative input of its audience, Pocket FM is demonstrating a commitment to fostering a strong and meaningful connection with its listeners.