New Delhi: In a move aimed at promoting healthier eating habits, the Ramoji Group has introduced a new line of millet-based products under the brand name “Sabala.” The launch, which coincides with the 88th birth anniversary of the group’s founder, Ramoji Rao Garu, features 45 diverse products ranging from traditional khichdi varieties to modern snacks like cookies, health bars, and noodles.
“Sabala represents the wholesomeness of millets and a commitment to healthier living,” said Sahari Cherukuri, Director of Sabala Millets. “It is bridging the gap between traditional Indian grains and modern recipes through innovation. It characterizes our steadfast resolve to blend balanced nutrition with great flavor.”
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The Sabala brand emphasizes the nutritional benefits of millets, marketing them as “Bharat Ka Super Food.” With a wide array of offerings, the company aims to cater to diverse tastes and preferences while encouraging the consumption of these ancient grains. The launch of Sabala marks a significant step in the Ramoji Group’s foray into the health food segment, capitalizing on the growing consumer interest in nutritious and sustainable food choices.