New Delhi: An animated series celebrating India’s lesser-known freedom fighters is making history with its multi-platform release. The second season of Krish, Trish, and Baltiboy: Bharat Hain Hum premiered at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa, and will be available on Doordarshan, Prime Video, Netflix, and WAVES. This follows the successful multi-platform launch of the first season.
The series will also be available as a radio series on All India Radio (AIR) in 12 languages and as a podcast on Spotify in 180 countries. This unique distribution strategy aims to maximize the show’s reach and impact.
Krish, Trish, and Baltiboy: Bharat Hain Hum will be available in 12 Indian languages and seven international languages, making it accessible to a global audience in 150 countries. The series highlights unsung heroes from across India, including Taji Dele and Ponge Dele from Arunachal Pradesh, Wazir Ram Singh Pathania from Himachal Pradesh, and Birsa Munda from Jharkhand.
The show’s creators, Munjal Shroff and Tilak Shetty of Graphiti Studios, emphasized the importance of remembering and celebrating the contributions of these often-overlooked heroes. They hope the series will inspire pride in India’s history and instill values of courage, resilience, and patriotism in the younger generation.
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Sanjay Jaju, Secretary of Information & Broadcasting, spoke about the importance of communicating India’s diverse freedom struggle in engaging ways that appeal to children. Shilangi Mukherji, Director & Head – SVOD, Prime Video, India, expressed her enthusiasm for the series and its potential to reach a global audience.
Actor Nagarjuna, who attended the launch event, highlighted the importance of showcasing stories about India’s freedom fighters alongside traditional narratives. He believes the show will introduce these heroes to a new generation.
The production of Krish, Trish, and Baltiboy: Bharat Hain Hum involved nearly 1,000 professionals across India, including animators, voice artists, and production experts. This collaborative effort ensured the timely delivery of the series.