New Delhi: In a significant leadership change, Sony Pictures Networks India (SPNI) announced that Leena Lele Dutta, the Business Head of its Kids and Animation portfolio, will be stepping down from her role at the end of the current fiscal year. Dutta has been instrumental in spearheading the growth and success of Sony YAY!, the popular kids’ channel, since its launch in 2017.
Under Dutta’s leadership, Sony YAY! has emerged as a leading destination for children’s entertainment, known for its engaging animated series, original content, and expansion into animation production and ancillary businesses. Her strategic vision and commitment have played a crucial role in establishing Sony YAY! as a vital contributor to SPNI’s overall success.
Taking over the reins from Dutta will be Ambesh Tiwari, who recently joined Sony YAY! as Business Operations Head. Tiwari brings a wealth of experience in the media industry, having held key positions at Star India, Life OK, and Zee Entertainment. His expertise in launching and managing regional channels, such as Zee Keralam and Zee Punjabi, makes him well-suited to lead Sony YAY! into its next phase of growth.
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Tiwari’s academic qualifications, including an MBA from the University of Oxford, Young India Fellowship from Ashoka University, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Media Law and Public Policy from NALSAR University, further enhance his capabilities.
As part of the leadership transition, Dutta will work closely with Tiwari over the coming months to ensure a smooth handover of responsibilities. SPNI expressed its gratitude for Dutta’s significant contributions to the business and wished her well in her future endeavors.
With Ambesh Tiwari at the helm, SPNI is confident in Sony YAY!’s continued success and growth in the competitive kids’ entertainment market.